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CT Low-Dose Lung Screening

April 21, 2023

What Is CT Low-Dose Lung Screening?

A low-dose CT lung screening is a non-invasive test for lung cancer. It uses computed tomography (CT) scanning to obtain detailed images of your lungs. Doctors review these images to look for signs of lung cancer.

CT low-dose screenings create quality images while using 90 percent less ionizing radiation than a normal lung CT scan.

Why Is This Lung Exam Done?

Lung cancer often goes undetected until it reaches an advanced stage when it is much harder to treat. A CT low-dose lung screening can detect lung cancer in earlier stages before signs and symptoms develop.

Who Should Consider a CT Low-Dose Lung Screening?

CT low-dose lung screening programs are for individuals who have a high risk of developing lung cancer but have no signs or symptoms of the disease. Lung cancer risk factors include:

  • Tobacco smoking. About 80 percent of all lung cancer death are the result of smoking, according to the American Cancer Society; the longer you smoke, the greater your risk.
  • Secondhand smoke.
  • Exposure to radon, which is a naturally occurring radioactive gas.
  • Asbestos exposure.
  • Exposure to cancer-causing agents in the workplace.
  • Taking certain dietary supplements.
  • Arsenic in drinking water.

You should discuss a heart and lung scan with your healthcare provider if you:

  • Are between 50 and 80 years old.
  • Currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years.
  • Have a history of heavy smoking.
  • Are asymptomatic, which means you are not experiencing signs of lung cancer such as chest pain, coughing up blood, or unintended weight loss.

How Should I Prepare?

There is no preparation required for a low-dose lung screening, so you can eat and drink normally before the test. Wear clothing that is easy to take off and put on, and leave all jewelry at home.

What Should I Expect From a Low-Dose Lung Screening?

Before the exam, you’ll change into a gown. Next, you’ll lie on your back on the table of the CT machine, and raise your arms above your head. The table will glide into the center of the CT machine, which is shaped like a long tube. You’ll need to remain very still to prevent blurred images. The technologists may ask you to hold your breath to help them obtain clear images.

As the table passes through the center of the CT machine, you may hear a whirling sound. This is the scanner rotating around your lungs.

While the scanner will cover your entire body for a short time, the machine is open at both ends, so you can see and hear outside the machine during the scan. The person performing the scan can see and hear you throughout the procedure.

The low-dose lung screening CT protocol does not involve injections or dyes, nor does it require that you swallow anything. This non-invasive exam is fast; the scan itself takes less than a minute, and the entire appointment takes less than half an hour. You’ll be able to leave immediately after the scan, as there is no recovery time involved.

Where Can I Find Lung Screening Near Me?

For more information about a normal lung CT scan or our low-dose lung screenings, contact Naugatuck Valley Radiology. Whether you need a CT screening or an MRI, lungs can always count on our team of experts to detect cancer in its early stages.

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